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How to Download and Install Android Studio and SDK on Windows 10

Android Studio

Android Studio is the Android Application Development Environment. Let me show to how to install Android Studio and SDK on Windows 10 Operating System.

Step 1:

First open your Favorite browser and visit

Step 2:

Select terms and Conditions.
Download Android Studio on for Windows Operating System.
Before installing Android Studio you must need to install Latest JDK.

                     Read: How to download JDK and  create CLASSPATH for Java

Step 3:

Double Click on the Downloaded Android Studio bundle.

Step 4:

Select your Android Studio installation folder. Click on Next.

Step 4:

You must need to download Android SDK and Android Virtual Device.

Step 5: 

Choose the installation locations for both Android Studio and Android SDK. Then Click on Next.

Step 6:

Make sure you must have internet connection for downloading and installing Android SDK.
It will take few more steps.
When finish your installation click on  Finish.

Step 7:

After finishing your installation open Android Studion.

Step 8:

Click on new Android Studio Project.
You can start your Android application development.

How to stop Automatic updates in Windows 10

When your system connected with internet automatically update software in windows 10. In this tutorial I show you step-by-step how to stop automatic updates in windows 10.

Step 1:

Generally windows 10 operating system automatically updates software and install those softwares.

Step 2:

Search and click on the Control panel.

Step 3:

Click on Administrative Tools.

Step 4:

In the Administrative tools you found a Services.
Double click on the Services.

Step 5: 

In the Services you found a Windows Update.
Double click on Windows Update.

Step 6:

 Click on stop button.
Finally click on OK.