How to Download and Install Android Studio and SDK on Windows 10

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Android Studio

Android Studio is the Android Application Development Environment. Let me show to how to install Android Studio and SDK on Windows 10 Operating System.

Step 1:

First open your Favorite browser and visit

Step 2:

Select terms and Conditions.
Download Android Studio on for Windows Operating System.
Before installing Android Studio you must need to install Latest JDK.

                     Read: How to download JDK and  create CLASSPATH for Java

Step 3:

Double Click on the Downloaded Android Studio bundle.

Step 4:

Select your Android Studio installation folder. Click on Next.

Step 4:

You must need to download Android SDK and Android Virtual Device.

Step 5: 

Choose the installation locations for both Android Studio and Android SDK. Then Click on Next.

Step 6:

Make sure you must have internet connection for downloading and installing Android SDK.
It will take few more steps.
When finish your installation click on  Finish.

Step 7:

After finishing your installation open Android Studion.

Step 8:

Click on new Android Studio Project.
You can start your Android application development.