How to create a Profitable Facebook page for Getting more LIKES
People are spending lots of time on Facebook. Bloggers and youtubers are taking this is an advantage. They are going to post their articles, affiliate links, videos, products.. etc on Facebook fan page. If you are a blogger or YouTuber, You must need a Facebook Fan page. Facebook is one of the main sources for visitors. You can crack the millions of visitors from Facebook. Now its time to create a Facebook page.
1. Choose the Page type:
2. Choose a Name for Your Facebook Page:
3. Description:
4. Profile Picture:
5. Add Your Favorites:
6. Page Audience.
Age: Select minimum and maximum age. Choose age between 13 to 65+.
Gender: Choose the Gender you most want to connect. Otherwise, Choose All (Both men and Women).
Interests: Add the interests of the people you most want to connect. Choose closely related topics like entertainment, food, hobbies, shopping, fashion..etc.
Languages: The audience you are targeting uses a language.
Some more tips to create a profitable Fan Page.
- Eye Catching Profile page and Cover Photo.
- Add More Description.
- Fill all the details in Settings page.
- Send a request to your friends and ask them to share your Facebook page.
- Promote your page.
- Share your page in different and related other pages.
- Keep commenting on other pages.